Can CBD help with Anxiety? – Veritas CBD

Can CBD help with Anxiety?

What exactly is CBD 

CBD is cannabidiol. It is one of almost 200 cannabinoids that can be found in marijuana plants. Unlike many other cannabinoids, CBD is not psychoactive ie, does not get you ”high” and show up on drug tests like THC would and has a different pharmacologic profile than other psychoactive cannabinoids.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about the future. Symptoms may include an increased heart rate, fast breathing, sweating, and fatigue.

For most people, anxiety isn’t something that debilitates their social or personal lives, but still causes some discomfort every once in a while. Daily stress can build up over time causing physical aches & pains, irritability, or even sadness.

In some, Anxiety can be intense, overwhelming, and life-consuming. Everyday situations can induce panic and fear, making life feel extremely debilitating.

Statistics in the UK show that 1 in 4 people will experience a Mental Health Issue of some kind and 1 in 6 experience a Mental Health Issue of any kind per week

Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse in the US has seen positive signs in treating generalised anxiety disorder with CBD. They conducted tests on lab rats and noticed a decrease in the level in the behavioural signs of anxiety.

Tests on humans have taken place to study how CBD affects social anxiety disorder (SAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 2011 test subjects were given a 400mg dose of CBD. They noted reduced levels of anxiety in the patients who were given CBD, while the patients who were given a placebo saw no difference. PTSD have received more research and tests than SAD. Scientists saw how CBD helped alleviate some symptoms of PTSD such as nightmares.

Can you take CBD with Anti Depressants:

Some people might look at taking CBD in conjunction with their antidepressants, but this should be done with caution. I1n fact, if you are taking any medication, for any condition, you should check with your doctor before taking CBD oil or other products.

Where to find the best CBD Oils:

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